Support Reproductive Justice For All

Lend your support today to our mission of empowering Latines and fueling our fight for reproductive justice in 2025.

Your generosity will enable us to continue our critical work – today, next year, and for the next 30 years of the Latina Institute – of building our activist base, shaping policies, and shifting culture.

Our goal is to raise 30 gifts, honoring 30 years of the Latina Institute – and ensuring our future remains bright.

Lupe M. Rodriguez, our Executive Director, on our priorities for 2025 to secure big reproductive justice wins:

  • We are committed to ensuring that Latines remain at the forefront of the conversation on reproductive justice and healthcare access.  
  • We must continue building our activist base and growing our network of informed and activated Poderosas.
  • Through a growing base, we know we can shape and compel the passing of the most inclusive and progressive policies, and we can shift the cultural narratives around abortion and reproductive justice to feed the groundswell of voices we need to advance and maintain long-term change.
When we come together as Latinas/xs, we amplify each other’s voices, creating a collective power that can drive systemic change. The importance of personal connection and deep listening has become clear – shaping the way we advocate, strategize, and build power. – Lupe M. Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Latina Insitute