Share Your Story
Storytelling is central to our mission to fight for equitable access to reproductive health.
As part of our 30th anniversary celebration, we are collecting and sharing stories to empower the voices of our community. Your story may be highlighted in an upcoming campaign for our 30th anniversary.
We see storytelling as not merely a means of expression; it is a transformative force that reshapes narratives and challenges the understanding of reproductive justice held by those in power.
We introduced our new storytelling series in January, "Nuestras Historias, Nuestro Poder," which showcases the transformative influence of storytelling in driving cultural change. This first event of the series featured a conversation between Lupe M. Rodríguez, our Executive Director, and the esteemed Sandra Guzmán, author of "Daughters of Latin America: An International Anthology of Writing by Latine Women."