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Reproductive Justice Glossary

Reproductive Justice Glossary

Abortion Access



Contraception Access

Black Liberation and Racial Justice: As Latina/x Reproductive Justice activists, we must call out anti-Blackness in the Latina/x community and fight alongside Black and Brown communities for our collective liberation. The oppressors’ mission is to divide and conquer — dissuade unity with the promise of prosperity through whiteness and white supremacy. We must challenge this in our beings, our homes, our communities, and our work. Dismantling anti-Blackness in the Latina/x community means acknowledging white privilege, and naming the internalized racism, prejudice, bigotry, hate and violence that we perpetrate. It means having challenging conversations regarding our colonized existence, and how we consciously and subconsciously move as far away as possible from Blackness. It means calling out anti-Blackness and calling in the need to center the experiences of Black Latina/x as we look at our data, policy priorities, and coalitions.

Addressing anti-Blackness in the Latina/x community means challenging the dominant narratives around general healthcare access, immigration and reproductive health including abortion. It means seeking out and lifting data points that are inclusive of all of our communities and reflect all aspects of our lived experiences in our reports. It means naming when meetings about immigrant justice do not include Black immigrants and bringing Black partners to the table. It means holding elected officials accountable, especially Latina/x representatives, to all their constituents and not allowing them to scapegoat Black, immigrant or LGBTQ+ communities.


Human Rights: We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination based on race, class, gender, and status. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible, and they transcend borders. We believe that people have a fundamental bill of rights to live healthy lives and enjoy full civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. We believe that our government has the duty to protect, promote and implement all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Institutional Discrimination:

Intersectional Analysis: Intersectionality is an analysis that describes both the experience of oppression and the strengths that individuals and communities bring to particular issues by explicitly addressing the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, immigration status, age, ability and other identities and experiences that impact our lives. The term intersectionality was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to “capture the applicability of black feminism to anti-discrimination law.” Intersectionality describes how power structures interact and are compounded in the lives of women and people of color. This analysis is adopted in our organizing model by applying a strategic screen of race, class, gender and sexuality to our core strategies.

Involuntary sterilization:  LGBTQ+ Liberation: Since our founding over 25 years ago, Latina Institute has been inclusive of the spectrum of identities among the Latina/x community, which includes LGBTQ+ liberation. We strongly believe that our decisions of who to love and our gender expressions should be celebrated and supported, free from political interference, and that each member of our community, regardless of their identity, should have autonomy over their bodies and the self-determination to define if, when and how they form their own families.

Movement Building

People of color

Reproductive Health

Reproductive Justice

Reproductive oppression  Reproductive Rights


Social Justice


Structural Barriers

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