We applaud the re-introduction of the Stop Shackling and Detaining Pregnant Women Act. This bill would end the inhumane treatment of pregnant, postpartum, and lactating people in detention and protect their health, dignity, and rights.
For too long, the broken U.S. immigration system has subjected pregnant people—disproportionately Latina/es and other women of color—to cruel and inhumane conditions, including shackling during labor, denial of medical care, and prolonged detention that puts their health and lives at risk.
Every person, regardless of their immigration status, should have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions without barriers, delays, or government interference.
This legislation is a critical step toward reproductive justice and human rights for im/migrant communities and we urge members of Congress to co-sponsor this bill. At the Latina Institute, we’ll continue working with im/migrant communities to raise their voices for the same rights as everyone else and fight for policies that allow our communities to stay healthy and thrive.