Press Release
Congress Passes H.R.3 in Effort To Block Healthcare Access
Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to approve anti-choice legislation, H.R. 3, which would make it impossible for many women living in poverty or facing serious health issues such as cancer from accessing abortion care. This extremist legislation even excludes young rape victims from accessing abortion. “We are grateful for the vocal leadership of many House members who spoke up for the rights and dignity of Latinas during yesterday’s disappointing vote on H.R.3”, said Silvia Henriquez, Executive Director, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. “Latinas are a growing voice in favor of access to reproductive health for all, and despite yesterdays loss we remain hopeful that this effort to further cut off women from the healthcare they need can be stopped.”Despite our loss, the attacks against Latinas persist and every voice matters. We urge our constituents to join us in applauding the 175 members who voted against this legislation and especially to champions who spoke out in support of working women and families trying to make ends meet including: Representatives Raul Grijalva (AZ-7), Judy Chu (CA-32) , Jan Schakowsky (IL-9), Joseph Crowley (NY-7), Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC), Gwen Moore (WI-4), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Louise Slaughter (NY-28), Tammy Baldwin (WI-2), and Jackie Speier (CA-12).
“These are the same people who believe in small government…but they want to shrink government just to the size so it could fit into your bedroom,” said Rep.Schakowsky yesterday shortly before the floor vote at a press conference organized by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health and the Center for Reproductive Rights. Rep.
Judy Chu also remarked at the press conference that support for the bill would undermine health care for women of color.
“Republicans are using the tax code to implement unpopular and discriminatory social policies,” said honory host Congressman Raul Grijalva (AZ-7) in a writen statement for the event.National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health has helped mobilize our grassroots to send thousands of letters to Representatives and will continue this grassroots effort as the legislation moves to the Senate. As this nation struggles with economic recovery, we will continue to denounce legislation that creates more obstacles to healthcare while imposing additional tax burdens on working families.
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health is the nation’s only reproductive health policy and advocacy organization working on behalf of the reproductive health and justice of the nation’s 15 million Latina women.
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