International Women's Day
Help Us Reach Our Goal of 30 Gifts in Honor of Our 30th Anniversary
This March, we celebrate Women’s History Month in a monumental year for the Latina Institute, our 30th Anniversary!
For International Women’s Day on March 8th, help us reach our goal of 30 gifts for our 30th Anniversary. Each donation empowers the strong voices of our Latina/x community.
Make a gift today to expand our critical work to share our community’s transformative stories.
Share Your Story With Us
Storytelling is central to both occasions and our mission to fight for equal access to reproductive health.
We see storytelling as not merely a means of expression; it is a transformative force that reshapes narratives and challenges the understanding of reproductive justice held by those in power.
As part of our 30th anniversary celebration, we are collecting and sharing stories to empower the voices of our community. Your story may be highlighted in an upcoming campaign for our 30th anniversary.
Share your reproductive justice story to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th and the Latina Institute’s 30th Anniversary.