National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health: Rally for Women’s Health

Today the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH)  joins celebrities, elected officials and thousands of New Yorkers to rally for women’s health and to call on Congress to reject the dangerous Pence amendment.  The rally comes on the heels of the passage of the Pence Amendment, a dangerous piece of legislation which, if made into law, would eliminate basic health care and education services for millions of Americans—particularly Latinas and communities of color– by targeting Planned Parenthood health centers for defunding.

Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, deputy director of NLIRH, will be speaking on behalf of the Institute. A copy of her advance remarks are below.
Other rally participants will include: Senator Charles Schumer, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards, feminist leader Gloria Steinem, actress Kathleen Turner, musician Nellie McKay.

Advance Copy of “Stand Up for Women’s Health” Rally Remarks from Jessica Gonzalez -Rojas

My name is Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas and I am proud to be here representing the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health.
Latinas are here in force today to say:
We – stand – with – Planned Parenthood!
We stand with immigrant women who have been enduring racist and sexist attacks on their basic rights,
We stand with promotoras making sure our community gets good health information.
We stand with our feminist sisters and brothers in this coalition today.
The fact is, women of color and immigrants are more likely to be uninsured and living in poverty. Latina youth have the highest pregnancy rate in the country due to lack of access to health insurance and contraception.  Latinas have the second highest cervical cancer death rate in the country due to delayed care because of barriers to care and cost.
Now, we’re facing attacks on our children’s citizenship from anti-immigration groups, on abortion coverage in private insurance plans paid with our own money, and even our community health centers and Planned Parenthood clinics. Latinas in New York, Texas, Minnesota, Florida, and beyond are saying BASTA- ENOUGH!
Latinas need more Planned Parenthood, and less Pence. White men in Congress are attempting to take our away our reproductive health and rights. And they are discriminatory, short-sighted and damaging to everyone.
We are through with being invisible in these debates and society. We depend on affordable, high-quality health centers like Planned Parenthood for our basic health care for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Thousands of Latinas are raising their voices today to protect the health, dignity and justice of our hermanas, hijas, abuelas y amigas.
Thank you Latinas everywhere for making your voice heard.  We will continue fighting for Salud, Dignidad y Justicia!!



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