Mujeres Applauds Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Health Care

On June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the constitutionality of the historic Affordable Care Act (ACA). The following is a statement by Mujeres Latinas en Acción:
Mujeres Latinas en Acción applauds this decision as a momentous victory for Latinas, and other groups who face significant barriers that prevent them from accessing health care and preventive services.
Mujeres provides direct services and referrals to more than 8,000 Latinas and their families every year. The Affordable Care Act will allow these families to access affordable health insurance, our communities to be healthy and out of medical debt, provide preventive care, and avoid that health care costs go out of control.
According to the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, the ACA has already helped more than 736,000 young Latino/as retain health care coverage under their parents’ plans until they reach the age of 26 and has eliminated discrimination by health insurers against children with pre-existing conditions. In the coming months and years, ACA provisions will expand access to life-saving cervical cancer screenings and other preventive health services, increase support for community health centers and increase Medicaid coverage. Beginning in August, the ACA also provides access to contraception without expensive co-pays, ensuring that every woman can plan the timing and spacing of her children.
The Affordable Care Act is a major step forward in providing access to health care for many, but in its current version does not include all immigrants. Mujeres will continue advocating for health care that includes all, making our communities healthier across the board.

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